Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Today was a very good day!!! Let me explain.

I had to get up at 5:30am (not so good, since I am NOT a morning gal!!) to go to Floresville for a "back to school vaccine clinic". It was a pretty fun day.

I love the gals I work with, so that makes it much easier! It was 107* and a bit muggy, considering it was on the tail of "tropical depression" Eduard.

It was about 4:30pm and we had seen close to 100 kids (some of whom recieved up to 8 vaccines). We were tired and just wanted to get back to Boerne, which is a bit over an hour drive across San Antonio.

I was the driver today, and was chatting about our day and cruising along not really paying much attention to smaller details.....things like MY SPEED!!

ahead of us, driving towards us, I saw a police car, which of course made me look down, notice my speed which was a umm....bit over the limit and slowed down. The officer responded by flipping a U-turn and pulling me over.

NOW...I know that Texas cops have a HORRIBLE reputation for being "Billy bad-ass" and having a horrid attitude, but I would love to tell you that officer Flores was most polite, gracious, and there is at least ONE good cop in Texas!! =)

1 comment:

la maestra said...

Whew! No ticket is GOOD! If you got one imagine how your insurance rates would SKYROCKET!! He must have thought you were a cutie-patootie to let you off!