Monday, October 13, 2008


ok, so for about 3 months now, I have been recieving invitations to join AARP.

I realize I am getting older....but come on!!! So, today I wrote a short note to the "no faced person who keeps pestering me with great incentives if I join AARP NOW!!!" My note said the following:

I happen to be a huge fan of AARP and would love to be a member, so if you could get back to me in 15 years, 2 months, and 8 days (when I am actually old enough to recieve the benefits), I'd be most appreciative!!!

Thank you for your time


Not sure if it will help, but I can hope!!!


la maestra said...

HA! Now, let's mull over what will you write to the people who are trying to sell you Viagra? "Please get back to me when I have a penis." HA!

Sassy Texas Redhead said...

I have actually thought about ordering some of the "guaranteed money back" viagra...just so that when I have read that "you can add 3 inches GUARANTEED" I can tell em they were wrong, I STILL have no penis!!!