Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My new tattoo!

I know I know...some of you are freaking out by the title of this blog...(take a breath mom and gran!!)

I decided quite some time ago, that if I had to have a huge ugly scar down the middle of my chest, I was going to decorate it pretty.

I have pondered numerous designs and patterns...Ivy vines, zippers, dragons, geckos....anything to blend in the big pink scar I know I am going to be sporting post surgery.
Finally a friend of mine (yes Steve, I consider you a friend!!) said he would send me some of his glyphs. be honest I had no idea what a glyph was, but he knew I was looking at different Celtic/tribal patterns so he sorta had an idea what I was leaning towards.
He said in his Email and I quote "none of these will probably be what you are looking for, but possibly can make one that is"

He was SO wrong!!!

As I was looking through the patterns he sent me, my eye was immediately drawn to a particular one...I love its "yin and yang gone modern" look!!!
With his permission, I have posted it here for you all to see.
I think its the perfect way to blend in my scar to kind of "hide" it.

Steve told me when the time comes, he will make it as big or small as I want it, and be able to "reshape" it some to fit where and how I want it to fit.

THANK YOU SO MUCH STEVE!!! (since I know you read this)

Feel free to give me your input, but please don't bother trying to talk me out of it. It is going to happen.

1 comment:

Silly T. said...

Yo girlfriend! What do you think about this tat on its side, with thet points up and down. Looks cool either way. T