First let me tell you a bit about me. I live in Texas, and for now,I am located in a small touristy town called Boerne. It is a strange little town, but I love it none the less.
I say strange, because I work with the community daily and I get to see all the downfalls of a town that otherwise seems wealthy, caring, homey and the ideal place to raise kids. In reality it is a town that believes in teaching its children abstinence only in their schools, has a horridly poor area of town that I am guessing most of our 9,000-ish population has no idea even exists. We have no OB doctors and only one GYN doctor....all oddities in my mind.
But I digress.
I love my life...mostly. I have three little dogs and a cat who all think I am the greatest thing in life.
I have a roommate I wouldn't trade for the world. She is everything you could ask for in a roommate. dependable, clean (way cleaner then I will ever be), hardworking, and as sweet as they come.
and I have a job I love. Does it get much better then that ? well....I could make an income that would support me, but I guess we cant have EVERYTHING!!! haha!
I also have the most wonderful family a girl could ask for. My Grandma Annie-Matriarch of our family and my best friend. My mom Patricia, whom without, I wouldn't be where I am today. My dad Bill-whom I resemble in more ways then one!! My brothers who definitely march to their own drummers but are pretty great brothers. And finally my sister....sweet, cheery, upbeat preggie sister Sara. She is the inspiration for this rambling blog and someone who I wish I could be more like.
Here is me with my co-workers after our Christmas lunch. I will post more pictures later from my other computer, but the best part of blogs in my opinion is the pictures so I had to throw one on my first post!!! I am the chubby bunny in the middle. That was before I got my hair cut, so I will find some more recent ones. Elizabeth is on my left and Marie is on my right. now that you know all about me, stay tuned for ramblings on a semi-regular basis!!
1 comment:
My BEST SISTER FRIEND has a blog now!! I am so happy to get to follow your life! I love you!
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