Monday, July 7, 2008

A loud "clacking noise" filled the air, as two Axis bucks fought for the attentions of the same female. Horns locked, they shoved and pushed and repeatedly lowerd thier heads and tried to turn the other away.

You could hear the snorts as they fought a noble fight. First, one taking the upper hand, then the other...pushing....pushing.

Back and forth across the field I watched them, captivated, wondering which one would win the battle. The one who appeared a bit older, with the almost black pelt across his back? The smaller of the two, who was smaller in stature but who's horns were regal and proud?

It was wildlife adventures right in my own back yard! Being the goober that I am, I watched for about 40 minutes untill they pushed thier way out of sight behind a grove of trees. I stood on the deck bench, trying hard to get the best views...THEN remembered to grab my camera!!! *smacks self*

1 comment:

la maestra said...

You're a super spiffy writer. Maybe you should become a wildlife goober...I mean author!
I love you sister. Wish I coulda seen the bucks go at it with you!